Universal Design & Accessibility

Access Audits

Our meticulous access audits assess buildings against established accessibility standards. We evaluate ease of use and inclusivity for individuals with disabilities.

Key benefits:

Our audits cover:

Partner with us to:

Create an inclusive space. Reflect on your social responsibility.

Desktop / Plan  Review

Our comprehensive architectural desktop reviews identify potential issues early in the design process, minimising rework and delays.


Scope of Services:


Confidently progress your project with a well-considered and accessible design.

Accessibility Training

Empower your organisation to create accessible experiences for everyone. Our customisable training programmes cover a range of disabilities, delivered in flexible modules to meet your specific needs.

Our commitment goes beyond training. We provide ongoing support and resources to ensure a lasting impact.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

What are the accessibility standards for built environment in India?

What does the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 say regarding built environment? 

 Does the accessibility mandate apply to private buildings as well? 

Yes. If the building is used by the public at large, it should be made accessible. The definition of 'public building' implies a government or a private building, used or accessed by the public at large. These building may include buildings used for educational or vocational purposes, workplace, commercial activities, public utilities, religious, cultural, leisure or recreational activities, medical or health services, law enforcement agencies, railway stations or platforms, roadways bus stands or terminus, airports waterways, etc. 

The law says that no establishment would be granted permission to build or issued a certificate of completion if they do not adhere to accessibility standards. The term 'establishment' includes private establishments as well. A private establishment, as per the law, can be a company, firm, cooperative or other society, an association, trust, agency, institution, organization, union, factory, etc. 

How much does an Accessibility Audit cost?

The cost of an audit varies depending on the nature of the business or undertaking, complexity of the services offered and the size of the premises. 

You can write to us and get a free quote.
